Jessica Weaver
Jessica Weaver has been teaching math at South Middle School in Morgantown, West Virginia, for 10 years.
She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2012, earning certifications in art education and math education. In 2018, she obtained both her administrative certificate and a Master’s of Education in educational leadership at the American College of Education. Her master’s capstone focused on the importance of being a reflective leader and setting meaningful goals.
Weaver began her teaching career in Burlington, North Carolina, where she taught math at Turrentine Middle School. She then moved to West Virginia and began working for the Monongalia County Schools, where she continues to teach middle school math. At South Middle School, Weaver has taught everything from 6th grade math through Math 1-8 and enjoys supporting her South Stallions around the community.
In addition to her primary role, Weaver is the 504 and student assistance team coordinator for 8th grade students at South as well as the school’s faculty senate treasurer. Weaver attends the county’s Chromebook Camp whenever possible and has taught classes for the county’s Summer Avalanche Program. For the last three years, Weaver has been an active participant with the Mountaineer Mathematics Master Teachers (M3T) project as part of the Local Improvement Team and Monongalia Rigorous Mathematics (MoR Math).
The members of these groups have been working to improve student engagement in the math classroom. With her work with MoR Math as inspiration, she applied for and received the Math 4 Life Grant in spring 2023. This grant provided resources to improve student discourse through a series of rigorous math tasks.
Weaver married her husband, Kris, in 2016, who is a WVU alumni; Weaver says she married into the WVU lifestyle. Together they have two children, Levi and Owen, who, at only four and two years old are both already quite Mountaineer fans. As a parent, Weaver is thrilled to be able to instill her love of learning in her children at a young age and involve them in her school’s events whenever possible.
Jessica Weaver is passionate about education and engaging students in her classroom. Over the years, she has participated in a variety of professional development opportunities to acquire new educational techniques and strategies to foster student engagement. Becoming a teacher was a lifelong goal, and she loves being able to share her passion for math with her students by making the classroom a fun and captivating environment where students persevere through challenges and work toward achieving their goals.