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Clear Bag Policy

To provide a safer environment for guests and to ease entry into event venues, a Clear Bag Policy has been implemented for all commencement ceremonies, beginning in December 2019.

WVU’s Clear Bag Policy limits the size and type of bags that guests may bring into an event venue.

The Clear Bag Policy will be in effect and weapons detection devices will be in use to ensure compliance with an exemption allowed under the West Virginia Campus Self-Defense Act.

Since December 2019, prohibited items include, but are not limited to, purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, luggage of any kind, computer bags, camera bags, any bag larger than the permissible size and non-approved seat cushions or chair backs larger than 16” that have pockets, zippers, compartments or covers. Outside food and beverages are also prohibited. To avoid disrupting the view of others in the audience, signs and banners will not be permitted inside the Coliseum.

Guests are allowed to bring the following:

  1. One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags (Ziploc bag, for example).
  2. Small clutch bags, approximately the size of a hand (4.5” x 6.5”), with or without a handle or strap. A small clutch bag can be taken into the venue in addition to a clear bag.
  3. Bag that is clear plastic, vinyl or pvc and does not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”.
  4. Exceptions will be made for medically necessary items and other special items after proper inspection at an assigned designated gate.

Guests with prohibited bags or food/beverages cannot enter. 

At your commencement ceremony, only the bags shown below will be allowed in the event venues.

Clear Bag


12” x 6” x 12”

Small Clutch Bag


4.5” x 6.5”

Plastic Storage Bag


One Gallon

Please remind your guests ahead of time that other purses, backpacks, etc. cannot be brought with them. The Clear Bag policy has been adopted for everyone’s safety.

Metal Detectors

To increase safety for all attendees, metal detectors will now be in place at all coliseum entry points. If you have a medical device that prohibits you from passing through metal detectors, please plan accordingly and bring proof of device or a medical ID card for exemption.